Penny Price Aromatherapy

Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil

Latin Name: Citrus limon
Plant Family: Rutaceae  
Extraction: Expressed from the peel 

Expressed from the peel, Lemon oil has fresh citrus, green aroma. Lemon is uplifting and circulatory. Lemon Essential Oil is a pale greenish-yellow oil with fresh citrus, green aroma

Lemon Essential Oil is anti-coagulant, anti-infectious, antiviral, digestive, astringent and pancreatic stimulant.  It is mostly used for hypertension, varicose veins, sluggish circulation, sluggish digestion, obesity, verrucas, warts and diabetes.

Find out more in Penny's Blog - Lemon - The Zesty Oil

Pure Essential Oil - Available in 10ml, 25ml, 50ml & 100ml. 

Blends with 

Lemon is a TOP note and blends well with Benzoin, Cardamom, Chamomile, Eucalyptus, Fennel, Frankincense, Ginger, Lavender, Neroli, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.

Safety Data 

Exposure to sunlight must be avoided for one hour after the undiluted application. 
Monoterpenes (95%)

Lemon Essential Oil Safety Data Sheet 
Using Essential Oils