Penny Price Aromatherapy

Sesame Carrier Oil

Sesame Carrier Oil

Latin Name: Sesamum indicum
Plant Family: Pedaliaceae
Extraction: Cold Pressing of the seeds

A warming blend for sports massage, sesame oil is high in vitamins A, B and E and in minerals of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is said to improve the blood platelet count and combat anaemia. Sesame is a very pale yellow oil with properties similar o those of Olive oil. It is very stable and contains a natural antioxidant system made up of sesamol and sesamolinol formed from sesamolin, these reduce the rate of oxidation significantly.

Originating from the tropical regions of the East Indies, it is an annual plant with long bell-like flowers resembling those of the foxglove plant. The seeds are difficult to harvest as the keel-shaped pods shatter so easily, that they are gathered by hand. However now there are several different varieties that allow for machine harvesting, as a result of this, it is grown worldwide. It has been cultivated for over 4000 years and was one of the plants found in Tutankhamun's tomb.

Available in 100ml, 500ml, 1000ml and 5000ml

Therapeutic Properties 
  • Said to improve the blood platelet count and combat anaemia (Bartram 1996)
  • The oil is soothing to the digestive tract and is a mild laxative
  • Excellent for massage when used at around 20% in the base carrier 
  • Benifial for rhuematic and skin conditions
  • Softens the skin and it is used in Scandanavia for psoriasis, dry eczema and broken veins (Thompson 1986)
  • The oil contains antioxidants and lecithin and is said to be good for the nervous system.

(Len & Shirley Price: Carrier Oils for Aromatherapy & Massage 4th Edition) 

Safety Data 

Sesame oil has been reported as causing hypersensitivity (Torsney 1964) It may cause an allergic reaction, primarily in contact dermatitis. (Winter 1999) It is safe to use as a cosmetic ingredient. (CIR Expert Panel) 

Sesame Carrier Oil Safety Data Sheet