Penny Price Aromatherapy

Peppermint Hydrolat (Hydrosol - Floral Water)

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Clary Sage Hydrolat | Floral Water
Latin name:Mentha x piperita

Plant family: Lamiaceae

Indulge in the cooling and refreshing Peppermint Hydrolat! Stimulating, great for hot flushes. Moderate antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, aids digestion. Mildly antiseptic, combats itching, stings. Also used in cooling aftershaves. Experience its versatile benefits today!

Hydrolats are gentle and effective. Known as hydrosols they are aromatic waters produced by steam distillation of botanical materials used during the production of essential oils. Containing the most water-soluble chemicals from plant materials and microscopic drops of essential oils.

Spray Tops Available in 100ml only, 500ml, 1000ml, 5000ml screw tops 

Plant & Properties

A perennial herb growing up to 1 metre high with underground runners by which it is easily propagated. The white has green stems and leaves, the black peppermint has dark green serrated leaves and purple-like stems with reddish-violet flowers. Originally cultivated as a hybrid between M.virdis and M. Aquatica, known to have been propagated before the 17th century

Cooling, refreshing yet stimulating; Beneficial for hot flushes; bust-line toner; moderate anti-oxidant; anti-inflammatory; coffee substitute; digestive; good mouth wash; mildly antiseptic; combats itching and stings; calms razor burn. Cooling is used in aftershave.


Skin Treatments Use hydrolats as cleansers, and toners, to make masks and for facial spritzers. Either use 50/50 with purified water or undiluted. 

Room Refreshers Spray liberally around pets, cooking areas, bedrooms and other areas of your environment.  Particularly useful in the office to help prevent the spread of disease.

Mouthwash and Gargle Dilute 1:10 for children and 1:4 for adults for gargles and mouthwashes to help strengthen gums, freshen breath, and relieve sore throats, ulcers, thrush and toothache.

Health Drink To help promote a healthy, balanced body, dilute 200mls of hydrolat into 1 litre of water and drink throughout the day.  

Baths Add up to 100mls to an adult bath and 50mls to a child’s bath.  Hydrolats can also be used in sitz baths. 

Compress Soak a cloth in hydrosol and compress to the area being treated.  For a hot compress use a cold cloth and for hot, use a hot cloth.  Wrap up the area with plastic film and leave for 30 minutes. 

Safety Data 

Peppermint Hydrolat Safety Data