Nurture Vitality Massage Oil with Black Pepper, Eucalyptus Staigeriana and Lemon Essential Oils in Sunflower oil, to encourage vitality and energy.
Available in 150ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 5000ml
Black pepper is helpful for improving circulation and increasing mobility. Also beneficial for coughs and colds.
Eucalyptus Staigeriana is a wonderful antidepressant that lifts the spirit and improves vitality. is also helpful for irritability, anxiety, stress and tension
Lemon, besides being a good antiseptic it is helpful for poor circulation and arthritis. Lemon is wonderfully uplifting with a zesty, zingy aroma which helps lift your spirit and mood.
Nurture blends are a useful tool in any home and promote wellbeing in mind, body and spirit.